Day Minus One

We had a great drive south to a Walgreens to have our nasal cavities swabbed! We both tested negative! Whew! We’ve been wearing masks like we did in the early days to stay healthy. I guess it worked! We have to stay healthy during our land portion to be allowed on the ship on Sunday… we should be able to manage it! I’d rather not wear a mask but I will! 

I am officially a hearing aid wearer… it’s not on very loud so I’m not sure yet… we’ll see! I will not wear them much on the trip, too many adventures!

Paul and I found a great place for a late lunch and it was half off a bottle of wine! Great pizza and wine…

The very best part of the day was a surprise! My brother, who lives in Florida, was here on business! We were at the same hotel!!! I, know, right? We didn't plan this at all! Serendipitous! We spent the evening visiting and laughing! So far, this vacation rocks!


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